The Reese Law Firm
Absolutely CLASSIC!
Like everything else, here's a pre-quel....
This bus isn't going to take "no" for an answer....
The guy yells "airbag" ... hahaha
This is what happens when you think a truck is fast...
World's fastest land vehicle.  Camera mounted on tail fin; pilot/driver in front, between jet engines.  Stunning.
I am at a loss for words on this one.
Awesome hotwheels set up.  Though I think that's way more for the dad than for the kids.
I was going to say something wiseass about the hardest part of the test being getting the Focus to 120, but that's just a gruesome impact.  Unsurvivable.  And for the record, that's the same as two cars doing 60 mph crashing head on, not each one going 120 as stated in the vid.
The "How It Should Have Ended" Series.  Check them out.
Amazing the guy and the bird survived.  I didn't know you could even say "winged douchebag" in Russian.