The Debt Ceiling Debacle

You might want to check out Allan Sloan's thoughtful commentary on this recent embarrassment.  He makes some good points, has an outstanding non-partisan professional background upone which to base them, and does not seem to be simply toeing any particular party line.  We looked like some piss-poor third-world debtor country bickering over this and it is interesting that our entire budgetary fate is hinged on whether China and other creditor countries are willing to support our debt by buying our bonds.  Until we have a strong industrial base, and create wealth that is more than just paper pushing, i.e. create value, ake a lump of raw ore and turn it into a finished product as opposed to a zero sum game like the stock market, America will continue its long slow spiral into the depths as a has-been nation.
The Reese Law Firm
Bill Maher Harpoons GOP and Obama on Jay Leno

By now I'm sure you've seen this.  If not, skip to parts two and three to see the good stuff.

UPDATE - NBC no longer has the video directly available for embedding.  Here is a link to a site that has the interview however.
GOP Chicken Hawks Booing a Gay Soldier in the Field

I cannot express my complete contempt for this.  Any candidate that would attempt to white wash or excuse such behavior against a United States soldier in the field should be air dropped into the theatre and forced to serve for a full tour.  I'm sick to death of all the conservatives that talk big but never have the balls to be on the ground themselves.  We need a draft in this country.  But that's another subject.

Kick Ass Lives!

Check out this video of folks seriously playing superhero in, where else, Seattle.  "Phoenix Jones" was arrested based on this incident. Check out the sidekick painted up like Insane Clown Posse.
See the world...

The pyramids were 1000 years old when Europeans were still squatting in bark huts.  Check out the amazing information and visuals available here.  Can't seem to get the media player to imbed properly, so you'll have to explore it on your own.  If you don't do anything else, click "Launch Interactive," then "Khufu Pyramid" under Old Kingdom, then "View from the top."  Go full screen and then geek out.  Hope you enjoy.